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Explore the approvals and applications for the Liverpool Range Wind Farm.


In June 2018, the Liverpool Range Wind Farm was approved by the Commonwealth Department of the Environment and Energy under Section 130(1) and 133 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) (EPBC reference number 2014/7136).

Due to the changes to the design and layout associated with the Modification Application (described above), the Approved Action was re-referred to Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) on 2 March 2023 (EPBC reference number 2022/09416).

The Minister determined on 30 March 2023 that the Project is considered a ‘controlled action’ under the EPBC Act, and that approval is required due to the potential for significant impacts on the following matters of national environmental significance (MNES), protected under Part 3 of the EPBC Act:

  • listed threatened species and communities (Sections 18 and 18A)
  • listed migratory species (Sections 20 and 20a).

On the same date, the delegate of the Minister determined that the Project be assessed by a Public Environment Report (PER). Final PER Guidelines for the assessment process were issued by DCCEEW on 31 July 2023.

The draft Public Environment Report was open for public comment for 20 business days from 22 May 2024 to 19 June 2024, and the feedback received was considered when preparing the final PER.

The final Public Environment Report has now been published by DCCEEW.

How to View the Public Environment Report

A hard copy of the final PER is available to view at the following locations between 8 October 2024 and 5 November 2024:

  • Coolah Library (59 Binnia St, Coolah)
  • State Library of NSW (1 Shakespeare Pl, Sydney).

An electronic version can also be viewed and downloaded below. Due to the size and nature of the Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR), we have had to break it up into parts. The Table of Contents is on page 23 of Part 1, which is the main report.

Next Steps

The Federal Minister for the Environment and Water will consider the final PER when making a determination on the revised project under the EPBC Act. We expect this determination to be made by late 2024.

You can view the environment assessment process fact sheet here.

We will keep the community informed as this process progresses via our website, shopfront, newsletters and advertisements.

In September 2022 a Modification Application was submitted to DPHI for the Liverpool Range Wind Farm (Mod-1 Project). In response to submissions (RTS) received during the public exhibition period for the Modification Application, we have since made a number of changes and refinements to the Project. For example, the number of turbines proposed has been reduced to 185. These changes are reflected in the Mod-1 Application – Amendment Report (RTS Project) which was lodged in August 2023.

Due to an identified shortage of suitably skilled workforce and rental accommodation in the local region, and in response to government and community feedback, in October 2023 we further amended the Modification Application to include a Temporary Workforce Accommodation (TWA) Facility approximately 3 km from Coolah. This proposed amendment to the Project is described in the Mod-1 Application – Amendment Report TWA Facility.

Submissions reports have also been prepared for both the above amendments, to respond to community and government submissions regarding the proposed amendments.

The RTS Report, amendment reports, submissions reports and all updated environmental impact assessments have been submitted to DPHI and are available to view on the NSW Major Projects portal. These reports detail the consultation completed to-date, how submissions received during both public exhibition periods have been addressed, and clearly show the changes to the design and layout of the Project, including ancillary infrastructure.

DPHI will now review the documentation and make a determination on the Modification Application.

CLICK HERE to find out more about the RTS Project.

The Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Liverpool Range Wind Farm was lodged with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) in July 2014, and can be downloaded below.

A Response to Submissions report was lodged with DPE, which was placed on public exhibition from 1 August 2014 to 1 October 2014. A copy of the RTS can be downloaded below.


The Project received planning approval for up to 267 turbines from the Minister of Planning, NSW in March 2018. A copy of the final approval and conditions can be downloaded below.

You can also visit the Project page on the NSW Major Projects website, here.

The Project also received approval under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) issued by the Department of the Environment and Energy in June 2018 (reference EPBC 2014/7136), and can be downloaded below.